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Ghostbusters Firehouse

Ok Ghostbusters fans listen up. I don't have good news. But I don't necessarily have bad news.

A few days ago, I put on my sneakers, strapped on my camera, and walked my little self all the way down to SoHo, with just a hint of childish excitement to see the firehouse from Ghostbusters. LITTLE DID I KNOW, we live in a cruel world. It's under construction. Ugh. After some research, I found out nothing as far as when it will be back in operation. So when I say I don't have good or bad news, it's because I'm still unsure what their plan is with the building. I'm hoping that in a year it's back and ready to party, so that you, my fine furry friends, don't have to feel the disappointment that I did. But you never know.

So here is a picture of what I saw. And a picture of what it should look like.

(Don't worry, I will be writing a very strongly worded letter)

Deep sigh.


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