Church in New York City

Enjoy your first Sunday in New York City! Your ward is the Manhattan YSA Ward. It meets in the beautiful building on 87th Street, just around the corner from Whole Foods on 3rd Avenue. It's probably a 5 minute walk from 92Y. Sacrament meets first, at 1:00 p.m. Bishop Fowles knows you're coming. Be sure to ask about Monday night activities; for the most part we're clearing your schedule so you can attend if you're interested.
FYI: The family ward is the Manhattan Second Ward. It meets in the same building at 9:00 a.m., beginning with sacrament meeting.
The other YSA ward is the Harlem YSA Ward, which meets at 9:00 a.m. (sacrament meeting first) at 360 Lenox Avenue. This will be the ward for the interns at the International House when they arrive. There is also a Spanish-speaking ward (Harlem 2nd Ward) that meets in the Harlem Building, beginning with Sacrament meeting at 1:00 p.m.