Checklist for shooting video
Whether you are capturing video on your phone or with a DSLR, here are some helpful tips:

First, download and read this helpful checklist of the five shots you need to be sure to get.
Another basic: get close! As you recall when we were in Columbus Circle on Saturday, you need to get up close and personal.
If you have a variable lens, zoom out as wide as possible. Use your elbows against your rib cage to steady your camera.
Also, be aware of the rule of thirds when composing your shots.

Take a look at this article from the Reynolds Journalism Institute at the University of Missouri on the Five Mobile Journalism Basics to Remember. A good reminder to hold your phone horizontally when recording video and to remember issues related to audio and light. RJI also has a post on useful mobile journalism apps (although the landscape is constantly changing).
Be fearless and have fun!