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Setting up your website

Your assignment for backpack journalism will be to produce neighborhood and landmark profiles, consisting of photos, videos, short interview clips, and text. Ultimately, work produced by the entire class will be curated and used for future BYU students coming to New York and, perhaps, used in a travel section for the Universe.

We'll have more instruction on assigning neighborhoods, gathering the information, shooting video and photos. But, in the meantime, you should set up a website or blog to present this material. Don't worry if you've not done something like this before. Luckily, it's easy to do. Here is some DIY information. Don't hesitate to let me know if you get stuck.

I'm using Wix for the class website. It's attractive and easy. Here's a page that offers 10 Must-See Tutorials for Wix Newbies

A few years ago I set up a simple personal website using Weebly. It uses a back-end protocol similar to Wix and it, too has a good overview of the basics, including the video below.

Wordpress is a more robust content management system. If you've already learned this platform, feel free to use it. If not, I'd recommend Wix or Weebly.

Your assignment is to have an (unfinished) site up by Wednesday. Please use Learning Suite to enter your URL.

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