Gustavino Ceilings

Remember our delightful visit to the Whispering Room in Grand Central Terminal? That beautiful vaulted and tiled ceiling above and into the historic Oyster Bar, has a special history. It is the design of a Spanish architect named Rafael Gustavino. And Grand Central isn't the only place with this terra cotta tiling. You saw it in the vaulted ceiling of the Registry Room at Ellis Island, too. His patented technique served both decorative and structural purposes—and his ceilings were all the rage in Beaux Arts buildings in New York and Washington.
They're also in a place you probably won't be able to see—in New York's first subway station at City Hall. It's been closed for years but is still in good shape and occasional tours are given. If you stay on the 6 train at City Hall you might get a peek, as the conductor uses the station to turn around.
Listen to the following NPR story to find out more about the man and the tile:

Related: New York's Hidden Treasures