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Learning Adobe Premiere

Whether you were editing before this class or you just got started in our class at the library last week, hopefully you already have some basic skills in video editing. Perhaps you're a little rusty and need a refresher. Luckily, there is some great training online. If you are looking for written instructions, UC Berkeley's Advanced Media Institute has this tutorial. If you like video instructions, the best training source is Unfortunately, BYU no longer has a campus-wide subscription. However, you can access the site for free from two computers located in the HBLL.

Luckily, there are plenty of other places to learn Adobe Premiere. For instance, Vimeo has a series of instructional videos as part of what it calls its Video School. You can begin watching Premiere series by clicking below and watching the ten and a half minute introductory video:

Vimeo's subsequent videos on Premiere are as follows:

Episode 2: Customizing your interface (11:49)

Episode 3: Importing your media (10:14)

Episode 7: Learning the timeline (9:14)

Episode 8: Editing the timeline (14:47)

Episode 9: Reviewing your clips (13:26)

Episode 10: Making your edits (10:23)

Episode 11: Trimming your clips (3:25)

Episode 12: Setting up a sequence (8:38)

Episode 13: Diving into preferences (7:05)

Episode 15: Working with music (14:39)

Episode 16: Utilizing the title tool (9:16)

Episode 17: Exporting your project (11:06)

© 2017 Dale Cressman

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