Year of the Podcast?
Wondering what role podcasting can play in the multimedia universe? Late last year, NPR reporter Asma Khalid predicted that 2017 could be...

Understanding DoF
We've talked about how you control depth of field (that is, how deep into the background you focus), but let's go a little deeper to see...

Shutter speed
As you know, shutter speed allows you to control the exposure of your image. This allows you to do things like take photos in darker...

Advanced Google search
In case you missed the Google training, we're revisiting some of it here. We learned some advanced skills to be more efficient and...

Camera settings
Go manual and take full advantage of your camera. Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO all affect the quality of your photos. If you want to...

Audio helps
This informative article, 6 tools to make digital audio more social, profiles not only Soundcloud, but other social platforms, such as...

Google training this week
Instead of class on Wednesday, I encourage you to attend Google Tools Training, sponsored SPJ. The training will be held on Friday,...

Podcasting - Part 2
Today we introduced you to the recording studios in the Brimhall Building, If you use these studios you will need to use Adobe Audition...

How to cover President Trump
This week the nation inaugurated a new president. As a candidate and as president-elect, Trump has given journalists plenty to worry...

Social Media Cheat Sheet
Here's a helpful, updated cheat sheet that provides recommended image sizes for various social platforms.