Embedding Spotify playlist
Did you know that you could embed a Spotify playlist in a story simply by grabbing "embed code" and inserting it on your site? Why, you...

This American Life
Happy Presidents Day, everyone. A treat for you today: Public broadcasting's This American Life came to Utah a few weeks ago to...

Year of the Podcast?
Wondering what role podcasting can play in the multimedia universe? Late last year, NPR reporter Asma Khalid predicted that 2017 could be...

Audio helps
This informative article, 6 tools to make digital audio more social, profiles not only Soundcloud, but other social platforms, such as...

Podcasting - Part 2
Today we introduced you to the recording studios in the Brimhall Building, If you use these studios you will need to use Adobe Audition...

Podcasting - Part 1
We started our podcast training today with recording and editing audio on Garage Band. To supplement that training I offer you you this...