Walking tour: East Village
From Tompkins Square to lively cafes, this neighborhood carved out a hip identity in the 1960s as a birthplace to new music, literature,...

Assignment: Rise & Fall of Penn Station
We've toured Grand Central and what's left of Penn Station. See what we are missing when the Pennsylvania Railroad sold air rights, then...

Walking tour: Greenwich Village
Known to New Yorkers simply as "the Village," this neighborhood is the bohemian, countercultural capital of the city. It features New...

WTC visit recap
What a special visit it was to the World Trade Center site and 9-11 Museum. It shouldn't have surprised me, but it did when I thought...

Walking tour: Lower east side
The Lower east side was and continues to be historically a neighborhood of immigrants.It has everything from tenement buildings, to...

Assignment: Triangle Fire
If you did not see the video when we showed it in class during Winter Semester, please watch it online, via PBS: The building that housed...

Walking tour: Little Italy
This neighborhood was was much larger, thanks to a huge wave of Italian immigrants. Still, you can find several blocks of Italian stores...

Inside WTC on 9-11
A few months after the attacks on the World Trade Center, CBS aired a documentary produced by two French filmmakers. The documentary...

Tips for improving iPhone photos
Did you know there are apps to give your iPhone camera more settings? Photographers who are used to manually setting DSLRs swear by these...

Cheat sheets
Several weeks ago I posted the handy-dandy five-shot sequence checklist for video (courtesy of Andrew Lih). If you haven't already...