Assignment: Triangle Fire
If you did not see the video when we showed it in class during Winter Semester, please watch it online, via PBS: The building that housed...

Assignment: NYC episode 5
The 20th century dawns in New York City with the Red Scare and an anarchist bombing on Wall Street. The emergence of radio and magazines...

Researching your neighborhoods
The NYPL has a wide range of resources for conducting historical research of the city's neighborhoods. The library has online resources...

A day at the NYPL
I invite you to spend part of Thursday at one of the jewel's of the city: the iconic Stephen A. Schwarzman Building of the New York...

Assignment: NYC episode 4
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses," wrote Emma Lazarus. The words are written on the Statue of Liberty, which is...

Assignment: NYC Episode 3
New York continues to grow through the greatest concentration of both wealth and poverty in the world and through massive corruption....

Assignment: NYC Episode 2
Modern journalism emerges in New York City with the rise of the Penny Press at Printing House Square. New York builds the massive Central...

Rail Stations & Historic Preservation
Today, a Tale of Two Stations and the emergence of the historic preservation movement. We'll visit Grand Central Terminal and Penn...

From Newspaper Row to Times Square
We start our week with a brief tour, starting at Park Row in Lower Manhattan. Please meet in the North Lobby at 1:00 p.m. We'll take the...

Assignment: NYC Doc
Please watch this first episode, available in multiple parts on YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7