Assignment: NYC Episode 2
Modern journalism emerges in New York City with the rise of the Penny Press at Printing House Square. New York builds the massive Central...

Rail Stations & Historic Preservation
Today, a Tale of Two Stations and the emergence of the historic preservation movement. We'll visit Grand Central Terminal and Penn...

Checklist for shooting video
Whether you are capturing video on your phone or with a DSLR, here are some helpful tips: First, download and read this helpful checklist...

Setting up your website
Your assignment for backpack journalism will be to produce neighborhood and landmark profiles, consisting of photos, videos, short...

From Newspaper Row to Times Square
We start our week with a brief tour, starting at Park Row in Lower Manhattan. Please meet in the North Lobby at 1:00 p.m. We'll take the...

Church in New York City
Enjoy your first Sunday in New York City! Your ward is the Manhattan YSA Ward. It meets in the beautiful building on 87th Street, just...

Lincoln Center, Morningside Heights...and Ethiopia?
Alright, sports fans. Today we're meeting at 1:00 p.m. in the lobby. We're heading to Columbus Circle, Lincoln Center (site of the...

Assignment: NYC Doc
Please watch this first episode, available in multiple parts on YouTube: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

Subway Orientation
Friday--our first full day in New York will start with a Subway orientation. You'll receive your 30-day unlimited subway pass (don't lose...

Pizza Party Orientation
For those of you arriving in time, we'll have a meet and greet with Milton Ousland, the residence liaison at 92Y. We'll meet at 8:00 pm...